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Metamagic Rods | Other Rods

Crypt Rod

Source Pathfinder #139: The Dead Road pg. 64
Aura moderate divination CL 9th
Slot none; Price 8,500 gp; Weight 5 lbs.


This 3-foot-long iron rod has a flanged, conical head and strikes as a +1 light mace. On command when held in hand, the rod points in the direction of the closest grave, tomb, or cairn within 500 feet. If the wielder concentrates on a specific type or subtype of creature, the rod identifies only gravesites that hold the remains of that type of creature. The rod can search for the remains of a specific individual if the wielder carries an item that the individual owned in life.


Requirements Craft Rod, locate object; Cost 4,250 gp